Staying up late, struggling to fall asleep, or waking periodically at night are all factors that can contribute to a severe lack of rest. We often brush it off as a rough night, guzzle some caffeine, and push through the day, promising ourselves that tomorrow will be better. Unfortunately, this can easily become our new normal, and not getting enough sleep on a regular basis can lead to a variety of health problems.
How Much Sleep Should I Be Getting?
The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. It is best if you can be in bed by 10:00 pm and get the same amount of sleep each night. Your body will adjust to this routine and you will get more quality sleep than if you keep your system guessing.
What Can Happen if I’m Not Getting Enough Sleep?
There are numerous side effects of not getting enough sleep. Your body needs this down-time in order to function at its best. If you push yourself too hard without enough sleep, your body may become ill and shut down, forcing you to get some rest whether you like it or not. Some of the most significant effects of sleep deprivation can be found below.
How to Get Better Sleep
Fortunately, there are things you can do to help improve your quality of sleep. In addition to planning for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, you can create a consistent routine to help you fall asleep faster. You can also try turning off electronics at least one hour before going to bed, exercising more often, engaging in relaxing activities in the evening, and investing in a soft and comforting blanket to help you get more comfortable.
Lower Stress
High amounts of stress can make it more difficult to sleep well, and not getting enough sleep can lead to higher levels of stress. Make sure you are doing what you can to unwind and take care of yourself both during the day and at night. Yoga and meditation are great ways to train your body and mind to relax and let go of excess stress that is weighing you down and keeping you up at night.
Tell Your Doctor
If you are not getting enough sleep on an ongoing basis, and it’s not from lack of trying, then it may be time to discuss the problem with your doctor. You may be suffering from a sleep disorder such as insomnia, sleep apnea, or restless leg syndrome. Even if there is no serious issue at present, your doctor may be able to make recommendations for healthy ways to improve sleep quality or fall asleep more quickly.
Sew Sweet Minky Blankets for Better Sleep
Creating a restful environment is essential for quality sleep, which means choosing the right blanket that will keep you feeling cozy all night long. Check out Sew Sweet Minky Designs for a soft and luxurious minky blanket to help you get a better night’s sleep.