Welcome! Here at Sew Sweet we would like to spotlight all the many wonderful organizations that we have been blessed to collaborate with and be a part of to spread love around the world. Each and every one of these organizations and events have set out to uplift, support, and assist the lives of many. Read on to learn more and be a part of the cause!
Image Reborn | Breast Cancer Survivor Wellness and Retreats - 2022+
Undergoing and recovering from any illness or ailment is never easy, especially something like breast cancer. Image Reborn specializes in helping the many women who have or have had breast cancer heal and find support in their journey to recovery. They offer different types of wellness retreats both online and in person and offer a lasting and continuing supportive community. At Sew Sweet we are inspired by this initiative and offer assistance with our blanket donations when we are able. We hope that this small comfort can help with the many battles so many are facing. If you would like to learn more about Image Reborn check out their page here: Image Reborn Foundation
Dolls Of Hope - Ongoing
Dolls of Hope is a non profit organization that focuses on creating and giving bears and dolls to children in crisis and refugee situations. Each doll is made with love and donated world wide. To highlight a few achievements, Dolls of Hope along with their many volunteers and partners have been able to create and send 1597 bears and dolls to Poland for Ukrainian refugees as well as deliver 1804 bears and 197 dolls to eyes4zimbabwe. We at Sew Sweet believe there is nothing more pure than a child and that each one deserves all the love and care imaginable. We are proud to donate fabric to this cause to help with the production of these toys. If your interested in getting involved please visit
Angel City Sports - June 2, 2022
Angel City Sports is a wonderful non profit organization based out of Los Angeles who provide free adaptive sports for people who have disabilities and visual impairments. Not only do they offer sports opportunities, they also offer coaching, equipment, and support to encourage their participants to build and fulfill their dreams. We were very happy to support this organization and be a sponsor for this event in hopes it will not only help build this organization but also help promote new ideas and expansion plans to help even more people. Learn more at Angel City Sports and Angel City Sports Award Gala 2022
Utah KUTV Diaper Drive - March 31st, 2022

As everyone knows babies need tons of diapers! Unfortunately sometimes it's not always easy to afford so many. The Utah Diaper Bank strives to distribute diaper donations to those in need of them. KUTV created their 1st diaper drive in 2022 to help assist the Utah Diaper Bank in their endeavor. We at Sew Sweet love babies and know how hard keeping a child supplied with all their needs can be. We were proud to be one of the sponsors for this event and hope that it has brought many families the help and relief they needed. You can get involved by visiting Utah Diaper Bank or view the drive page at Utah Diaper Drive and KUTV|Diaper Drive
Ukraine - March 2022
As many people know by now, on the world stage is the war for Ukraine. It has been a time of grief, loss, and survival for many innocent lives and has resulted in a need for aid and support around the globe. When we learned about the “ Driven to Assist, Utah for Ukraine” initiative we wanted to lend a hand and help in a way that we felt could bring help and happiness to the many who were suffering. Sew Sweet has been blessed by our many kind and generous customers who shared with us that dream and together we have been able to donate 1600 blankets to this mission. Find our page at Sew Sweet|Ukraine and follow KSLTV’s story at KSLTV|Ukraine
Primary Children's Hospital, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center NICU, St Mark's Hospital
It's no secret that the medical field is one of the most amazing and most needed industries in the world. The many miracles and care they provide their patients is such a blessing to so many lives. With so many long hours and pressures that they withstand, we, along with our minky family of customers, wanted to reach out and assist to give something back that may help in their efforts.
Thanks to our amazing and generous customers we were able to visit the Utah Valley Regional Hospital and Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital and donate these blankets to the many patients there - Nov 26, 2019
Inspired by the amazing care at IPCH and our many customers' generosity and kindness the first time around, we wanted to visit again! The Primary Children's hospital is a nationally ranked facility in 8 pediatric specialties and one of our favorite non profit organizations. Many of us here at Sew Sweet Minky Designs have been beneficiaries of the amazing treatment provided by the Physicians of Primary Children's Hospital. - July 28, 2021

Differing from our last two visits, this time we wanted to visit St Mark's Hospital! We are so happy to be able to spread the love to this hospital and were able to assist with 204 recieving blankets and 138 lovies! We hope all the children in the NICU feel better and can rest easy. Dec 9, 2020
If you would like to find out more ways to get involved watch for our specialty live shows at Sew Sweet Facebook or visit: Intermountain Health Care|Primary Children's Hospital and Intermountain Healthcare|Utah Valley Hospital
Warm Wishes - June 24, 2021

Wishing all our customers the best, our Warm Wishes Facebook Live show gave the opportunity for us and our customers to donate to local crisis centers, hospitals, and foundations such as the Ronald McDonald House. Through this show as well as our Warm Wishes initiative, with every blanket purchased, one was donated as well as 32 blankets donated to the Ronald Mc Donald House organization. Also through our Warm Wishes, our amazing customers had the opportunity to nominate and provide a blanket to a person or family in need. If you would like to visit our past show here is the link:
Sew Sweet Warm Wishes Show and Sew Sweet Live
Rescue Mission - December 4, 2020
Every year around the holidays many families and individuals face trying times. During these times it is important to share love and compassion with all. We are happy to shed light on this wonderful initiative called the Rescue Mission. Fortunately we have found that the Rescue Mission has been able to reach our very own Salt lake City area here in Utah. Partnered with our friends at Shannon Fabrics, The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake, Salt lake City Mission, and Nuttall’s Sewing; we were able to collectively donate $30,000 to local non profit organizations. This in turn provided 1,200 hot meals as well as 400 prepared meal kits to those who were in need. To follow this story or to learn how to get involved watch the video at: Rescue Mission|Sew Sweet
Still want to find more check out this blog from our friends at Shannon Fabrics and visit Salt Lake City Mission and Rescue Salt Lake
Other organizations we love to support and mention:
Advantguard and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Nov 23, 2020
Operation Underground Railroad - This organization helps with the recovery and rehabilitation of the many survivors of Child Trafficking.